‘Nobody I Work With Looks Like Me’ Carmen | Heavily Inked

My Dear Friends of Figma in

Everybody knows tattoos are incredibly common in prison, but most people are only thinking about the inmates when they make that assumption. Carmen works for the New York State Department of Corrections and is covered head to toe in ink. After getting his first tattoo as a celebration for making it through boot camp, the former Marine was hooked. Carmen shares his unique story with us for this episode of Heavily Inked.

Welcome to Heavily Inked. In our newest series, we’re going to speak one-on-one with tattoo collectors and artists about what it means to be a heavily inked person. We’ll get deep as we go through the motivations behind their tattoo choices, the way they’ve been treated in society and much more.

Carmen https://www.instagram.com/inked_carmen/

Presented by Mad Rabbit

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