‘I’m Becoming Myself More and More Every Time I Get Tattooed’ Gunny | Heavily Inked

My Dear Friends of Figma in

Gunny’s tattoo journey started in the way so many others have—he saw someone with a tattoo on TV and thought it was completely badass. From that point on Gunny knew tattoos were for him, but it took him a while to figure out the exact path he wanted to follow. We spoke with him about his journey through body modification, becoming a tattoo artist and the blackwork bodysuit he has envisioned for himself.

Welcome to Heavily Inked. In our newest series, we’re going to speak one-on-one with tattoo collectors and artists about what it means to be a heavily inked person. We’ll get deep as we go through the motivations behind their tattoo choices, the way they’ve been treated in society and much more.

Presented by Mad Rabbit: https://www.youtube.com/c/madrabbitta

Gunny: https://www.instagram.com/blackironmonk/

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