‘I Fell In Love With How People Express Themselves Through Tattoos’ Cruella | Heavily Inked

My Dear Friends of Figma in

Life is all about having the right connections. When Cruella Morgan wanted to get tattooed in high school she had an ace in her sleeve—her uncle was a tattoo artist. From that point on she fell in love with tattoos, steadily adding to her collection over the years. We spoke with Cruella about her journey, the music that inspired much of her ink and why she’ll never even consider tattoo removal.

Welcome to Heavily Inked. In our newest series, we’re going to speak one-on-one with tattoo collectors and artists about what it means to be a heavily inked person. We’ll get deep as we go through the motivations behind their tattoo choices, the way they’ve been treated in society and much more.

Cruella Morgan: https://www.instagram.com/cruellamorgan/

Presented By Mad Rabbit

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