How to make your research findings more actionable with Figma – Žaneta Kučarová (Config 2022)

My Dear Friends of Figma in Hi my name is janetta kucharova and i’m senior ux researcher at today i’m going to tell you how to make your research findings actionable using figma my name janeta starts with a special letter this letter is the last one in the alphabet and when your name starts with.

J you just need to get used to be the last one in all the lists i am from the country called slovakia we have amazing mountains called high tetras currently i live and work in czech republic i could describe myself from three perspectives.

I’m a ux researcher at and my background is in computer science which i studied design and marketing i’m also a photographer i really love taking self-portraits especially when i can combine photography with fashion and traveling i post all those photos on my instagram.

I am also yoga lover as a researcher i really need to keep my mind clean and sharp so yoga always makes me feel like a new person all right that’s about me and now let me introduce you the company where i work as a senior ux researcher is online travel agency which.

Sells tickets of airlines which usually don’t cooperate together i am part of ux team which includes designers researchers content designers and localization i also would like to give you a little bit of context how research works at currently only ux researchers conduct a.

Research every researcher is focused on specific product domain we conduct different types of research but for the sake of this talk i will focus on usability studies only as we were conducting usability studies we were facing a challenge our research findings.

Were not included in product development enough we conducted a lot of research we had bunch of insights but they weren’t kind of used our stakeholders weren’t coming back to reports after we presented them but it wasn’t that they wouldn’t want to but findings are rather somehow distant.

It was also hard to prioritize usability problems and therefore address them at that point our typical research report was quite text heavy we always presented our reports to our stakeholders and sometimes we even try different formats of report you know like slide decks like messages and so on.

But even though we tried all those things the findings were still distant so we asked ourselves a question why aren’t our research findings actionable is it our communication we decided to have a look at the.

Communication from two perspectives how do we communicate research findings and where do we communicate them let’s start with how as the researchers we were communicating via written text blocks of text verbal communication but then our main stakeholders for usability studies designers.

Were more visual it was like speaking two different languages language of report and language of hands-on work currently a lot of teams are democratizing research so not only researchers are conducting research but also designers and.

Different roles that means even more different communication styles and languages so it can get even harder to report findings effectively so at this point we knew that we really need to simplify our reports to kind of divide them into smaller.

Parts and make them more digestible i was thinking about it a lot talking to many people and my friend biela great ux researcher gave me an idea when i want to simplify or structure my ideas in real life i always use.

Post-its post-its are great everybody knows them and you can’t really write a block of text on a post-it so it really forces you to prioritize and just write there what is the most important thing you can also have as many post-its as you want.

So you don’t feel like committing to the idea it rather supports you with the ideation this is really great for example for designers when they are exploring solutions in design iterations you can also have different colors of the post-its which is like an extra.

Layer of information you don’t need to write this is great for prioritization so using post-its you can just simply divide long reports by writing one finding or a quote on one post-it now the new post-its are the way how to.

Communicate research findings now we can have a look at where to communicate them this is a simplified version of design process this is a discovery phase which is happening before the development and before the product is developed in this phase we need to understand the.

Space define the problem ideate about the solutions and conceptualize them this is also when we are conducting usability studies and where the design iterations are happening all of this is before the designs are.

Implemented this is really important because at this point you have higher chance that your research findings are going to be included in the design iteration so when we wanted to have research findings included we knew that we needed to bring them.

Where all of this is happening and where designers spend majority of their time to figma figma is the most used design tool in also what is important to mention that all our features have separate figma.

File and those figma files are used by designers product managers developers content designers all of them use the same file for that particular feature sometimes even teams like legal and marketing join discussions in those sigma files.

This is really important as stakeholders already know where to find those sigma files and how to access them what is also good to mention is that all those figma files have standardized structure so this really helps with orientation in the file and everybody knows what to.

Expect and where to find it this is really great so we decided that our rare will be figma all right now it’s time to connect our how with where.

Post it with figma so we can actually place those post-its with findings to figma files let me show you how all right right now we are looking at the recording of usability testing.

We asked participants to go through our product and just mention if there is something strange happening participant mentioned that they don’t know what to expect after clicking on book button right now we are in figma and this is the prototype we just tested at this point i would just duplicate.

Page like this and this is our duplicated page with exactly same prototype which we tested you can always add a bit of information at this point i added the link to research plan name of the study research questions date and which researchers are.

Conducting the study you can also add a task we also see the post it’s the very important part of figma report we actually have a design system called called orbit which contains ui kits from there i will just like easily drag the posted and change the color however i want.

You can also easily write there and yeah it’s just pretty simple green post-its mark everything what worked yellow what needs improvement orange what didn’t work and leela is for recommendations remember the finding about the book button so i would just take orange post it.

Because this is really important that book button is the main flow to conversion so we really just need to make sure everything is clear there i would just describe easily and clearly what is happening there i would mark participant this was participant 4 so it’s p4 you can also add a clip and what is cool.

You can actually copy the link of the post it and just share it wherever you need to all right now when i zoom out you can already see that there are already some findings from the previous recordings and you just see there are all important things happening.

If you need you can also create short executive summary but this really depends on the way how you work all right after i would analyze all the recordings i would or present this findings to our stakeholders or you can just simply tag your main.

Stakeholders directly in the post-it so i would in this case i tagged product managers designers and i just described like shortly what’s going uh going on there and what we could try you can also just as i mentioned you can.

Also just like report it it’s really up to you the way how you work i would also attack our content designer who is really important in this particular case and now imagine that all this book button thing really happened at so after we actually analyzed these things we conducted couple of a b tests so right now when you go to you.

See the button select instead of button book and i can tell you that just changing this small thing really increased the conversion rate and that was thanks to small usability finding all right why is this approach powerful as you could see in the demo.

You really need to have a design so it’s really great for usability testings heuristic evaluations expert reviews and so on on the other hand it’s not so great for findings regarding the interaction or the whole flaws journeys why should you care about this approach.

This can actually increase collaboration based on your research findings as it’s incredibly easy to discuss possible solutions in the comments right now we find stakeholders discussing in our reports all the time it can also increase empathy our content designer lucia mentioned that it’s like having travelers with us.

In the room this is exactly what my job as ux researcher is about to bring people together you can also easily standardize this approach so every researcher anybody conducting research will report in the same way.

This can help you to keep the bar of research really high all right i will also tell you how to start in two simple steps so you can start right away step number one start small and build it together i will tell you how we did it at and maybe it can help you to.

Find your way when we started we piloted it with one or two designers we gathered the feedback and iterated on it after i presented it to the whole ux research team gathered the feedback and after that i presented it to the whole team whole ux.

Unix theme on bi-weekly show this really helped with adoption across all the domains the last step was several walk-through sessions with our stakeholders so we would show them the new structure so yeah start small and iterate step by step the key thing is to get people involved.

And build it together this way everybody will be happy about the outcome because they were included since the beginning step 2 create your own post-its no worries if you don’t feel like that after the talk i will share the ui kit in figma community and share the link on.

My socials also try to find when and where are the design iterations happening in your company so you’ll find the best time and place to bring in the research findings for us the same figma file works great alright.

Now to sum it up bringing research findings to figma will make them more actionable your research findings will be closer to your stakeholders your research findings will be easy to iterate on your research findings will help you to increase the empathy.

Towards your users remember this slide this is as before researchers and designers using different languages and this is us now now we speak the same language and you can too.

Thank you my name is janetta kucharova and feel free to reach out to me with any questions on twitter instagram or linkedin and i really can’t wait for all those discussions with you

The UX team recently faced some research-related challenges: usability studies weren’t easy to iterate on, and …

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